• Living Between the Lines

    The Alternative World of Steam Punk…

    Steam Punk may or may not be a familiar term to you. If you read one of my earlier posts, back in March 2012, Steampunk Goggles (the mind boggles) then you may well remember that I had no idea what it was until my nephew brought it to my attention. Asked to buy him a pair of steam punk goggles, I duly did the research and discovered a whole new world of which I had only been partly aware through television and film, until then. In that earlier post, I wrote: “One site I found claims that the Steampunk movement is about to move above ground. Has it been underground…

  • Living Between the Lines

    I have never been to a Vampire Ball

    My foray into the alternative world of my nephew continues. I have been introduced to Steam punk (in particular steam punk goggles) and learnt why a house bleeds. I have witnessed the joy displayed when a new costume piece arrives or is promised and seen the melt-down that occurs when our actions are misunderstood or we fail to understand his. I am beginning to think that I should create a whole new category for posts about James. They represent a learning curve for me and my eyes are opened ever wider as I enter the world my late sister dealt with daily. It is a world where disability is not…