• Living Between the Lines,  Puptales

    The Arrival of Maggie

    Well, Charlie Brown here again…and there is so much to report! My life has changed. I am no longer the only dog in the house. ‘The Puppy’ has arrived. She appeared in our midst, a couple of weeks ago actually. They are calling her ‘Maggie’ and she is just a smaller version of old Flossie. It has taken me this long to get over the shock, I can tell you. At first she didn’t do very much, sort of hung around the patio or slept in her pen, emerging for food and cuddles and necessary trips to the garden before curling up and falling asleep again. I was pleasantly surprised.…

  • Puptales

    A visit to the vet

    Extract from Flossie’s Diary with comments from Charlie Brown included, April 2022: This may be a first for us, (Charlie and me) I don’t think we have ever shared a blog post before but between you and me, I think it is time he stepped up to the plate. I think you mean you have at last, grudgingly decided to share it with me! Quite apart from whether or not it is time, there is another reason for us coming together to write this post and that is because, for once, it concerns us both. Today, we were both hoodwinked by the Boss. Now, let me say that the Boss…

  • Living Between the Lines,  Puptales

    It’s official…

    …I have been elevated to official ‘Old Dog’, status in the family. Now, how on earth did that happen? I began this blog almost 12 years ago as a lively, forward thinking, pup. I was proud of my ability to escape from anywhere. No fence was too high, no hedge too thick…um, well, there was one hedge in which I got stuck, but we won’t dwell on that. (If you must, you can read all about here).A Twist in the Tail The fact remains that I have gone from being that cute bundle of fun, to this staid old lady. One thing I have not lost, is my appetite. On…

  • Living Between the Lines,  Puptales

    A Twist in the Tail…

    Flossie here. I have to say I am feeling a little embarrassed today. I’d really rather not tell you about my latest escapade at all but if I don’t, the Boss will and she is bound to make far more of it than she needs. I suppose I should start with the current state of play, since the days of my cunning plan. For the past few weeks, my freedom has been curtailed. Having blocked up as many holes as she supposed I could escape from, and in between bouts of pulling her hair out, The Boss has ordered new fencing and my outings into the garden have been limited.…