Living Between the Lines

12 weeks later…

Well, here we are, 12 weeks into lockdown and I don’t think anyone has gone crazy yet, not me, at least.
What have the past twelve weeks been like for you? I hope you have stayed safe.
I have summarised my experience(s) in a short, light hearted, photographic diary. I have deliberately kept it light, these are the good memories…we hear enough bad news as it is!

A photographic diary, “Lockdown in a nutshell – the good side”

So, lockdown is easing, cautiously, (still no hugs with those gorgeous grandchildren) but beginning to see signs of life and a new normality out there…Today, I began work on another novel, whilst leaving the Ghost Girl At Angel Cottage to the mercies of Amazon, my social media Guru, Amy, and to the vagaries of the Teddy Bear’s Library! *
So, watch this space…

Stay safe!


*Teddy Bears have been gracing our barn window in different guises for the past 12 weeks. This week it is the library.

I am an Author, wife to one, mother to five and grandmother to six. I live in the English countryside in Hampshire, UK, with my husband and two dogs and am a non exec Director for Glow


  • patricia60

    Lockdown feels like the normal life now as we have been at it since September 2019 when my partner got a serious bacterial infection in his lung. I did not take pictures, but have used the time to begin a big sort of the pictures from children growing into adults. We did start hugging our kids last week when they came for the freezer and our second car. One child has lost her job and the car that came with it, very hard to job hunt without a car. She is filling the freezer with meals for post baby delivery time. The State offices are opening up today with new rules and masks, masks, masks. There is no glass in the windows of our downtown. 3 weeks ago professional protestors came to town to protest masks and the lockdown… then 5 went to see Grandpa at a local nursing facitility – 46 cases later (no deaths) now the protests with professional rioters crashing the party. We are just staying in lock down and loving our garden and books. Dog walking is good. Lots of rain.
    Happy to see you and Teddy’s are doing well – good for you and we hope that extends to the whole family. Thank you for sharing

    • Debbie

      Hi Patricia, my goodness, that’s a lengthy lockdown! I hope your daughter finds that job and you continue to stay safe. So sad that not everyone is of a like mind. We are not rushing to get back to normal. In fact I have not been inside a shop since early March. It is a slow easement here. X

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