Maggie’s first Big Adventure
Hi, Maggie here on the keyboard for the very first time! I just had to tell you about my first big adventure. It began on the morning not long long after I had arrived. I thought I was safe from ever going outside that front door, unless carried. We had been to the place where they prod and poke you and then try to distract you while they prick you with something sharp. ‘She can go out in a week’, the Vet said. The Boss carried me back to the car and I was ushered back into the house. That, I thought, was that. Here I would stay with Charlie.…
A Rumbling in the Jungle…
Good afternoon, Charlie Brown here, after rather a long hiatus… Listen – there is a rumbling in the jungle! I have overheard the Boss talking in excited tones about – a puppy?! If what I have heard is true, my position as Top Dog could soon be challenged. I can’t say I’d mind too much. You see, since my foster Mum, Flossie, left us, I have had to fend for myself. (Violins optional) I kid you not, remembering to ask to go out to ‘perform’ has been a trial for me. Since I was a tiny pup, I have not had to ask for anything. Flossie saw to that. She’d…
The last word…
From up in Heaven I look down on you. I run, I play and I watch you. From up in Heaven I see you cry and I bark to let you know I am here. You hear me. As I watch you scroll those photographs you keep on your phone of our adventures, I know what I must do. I show you the rainbow over which I have travelled and as I see you look up and stare at it in amazement, I know you understand. Your best ‘four-legged’ friend, Flossie 🐾 🐾
Goodbye My Old Friend
It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to gorgeous Flossie yesterday. So many of our friends and neighbours in the village, knew her. She was a local legend. At 13 years and 8 months, she still loved getting out (with me or without me!) to see her friends and to explore their gardens (sorry folks!) Her escapades in our neighbour’s pond are legendary as are the many times she scaled a 6 foot fence in her younger days, just because she could or got stuck in a hedge…(all of which she wrote about on my blog). This last week,…
Happy 13th Birthday Flossie!
“Happy 13th Birthday Flossie!” That’s what I heard shouted at me this morning when I stumbled to my Paws. Do they think I am deaf? Well, come to think of it, the house has seemed a lot quieter these past few months and I get the distinct impression the Boss has been calling me for some time when she finally raises her voice loud enough for me to hear. So, yes, I must admit, deafness seems to be the reason. I am not quite sure why they are all so excited at me reaching the grand old age of 13 but I can tell they are by the number of…
Those Senior moments
You know you are getting old when you gather dog lead, phone and poo bags, ready for a walk with your faithful old Golden Retriever, and five minutes later, realise you cannot find your phone. Phone has completely disappeared. Phone cannot be rung from landline because it is on silent and out of signal. Dog grows ever more impatient, so you decide you will resume the search on your return. Friend takes her phone with her so should there be an emergency (dog collapsing or photograph needing to be taken) friend has it covered. Returning some 40 mins later from a walk that used to take Dog half the time,…
It’s official…
…I have been elevated to official ‘Old Dog’, status in the family. Now, how on earth did that happen? I began this blog almost 12 years ago as a lively, forward thinking, pup. I was proud of my ability to escape from anywhere. No fence was too high, no hedge too thick…um, well, there was one hedge in which I got stuck, but we won’t dwell on that. (If you must, you can read all about here).A Twist in the Tail The fact remains that I have gone from being that cute bundle of fun, to this staid old lady. One thing I have not lost, is my appetite. On…
It’s a Mystery
Embarrassing? Or have I cemented my reputation as being the dippiest person in the family? Hmm. Let me begin at the beginning, It is still February 2021 as I write… Flossie was a brave dog. She underwent surgery to remove a nasty tumour from her mouth. In true Flossie style, she is uncomplaining, but the operation means that when she is let out to perform her ablutions, she must be on a lead. There is to be no running into bushes or trying to chew logs (a favourite pastime of hers). So, early this morning, a Saturday, I came downstairs, still clad in night attire and wearing a dressing gown,…
Dog in a towel
On the day of my mother’s funeral: As we tried to swallow breakfast – hard to eat when your emotions are roller coasting – we were all a little careless it appears. The dogs were ambling around, not bothering anyone. Flossie appeared to be sleeping. Dave had taken her for a long walk…she was a little muddy so had been dried and wrapped in her dog dressing gown, just as she appears in this photograph. Youngest son went out to his car… front door was left open… Out of the door went Floss before anyone noticed. Heedless of the brown towelling wrapped around her middle, she headed off into the…
The Sun is Shining
Thank goodness the sun is shining and has continued to shine for the past few weeks. Spring has truly sprung. So, what are the highpoints of this time spent shutting ourselves away like lepers? I have thought of a few: 1. Hand clapping the amazing NHS every Thursday evening and feeling over emotional and humble throughout and hearing that my 6 year old grandson is so proud to be clapping for his Daddy who is a policeman and his uncle who is a paramedic. 2. Seeing the grandchildren hanging on the gate while I wave from a safe distance and listen to their news. 3. Video calling children and grandchildren…