Living Between the Lines

TalkTalk or TalkLess?

I changed our broadband service last week to TalkTalk from BT. Sorry BT, you had done nothing wrong except to charge me an extraordinary amount for your service. Maybe I didn’t need ‘Total broadband’ complete with internet phone etc. We never used it. 

What we did use was the wireless broadband – all over the house. At times there could be four or even more laptops drawing on the wireless resources available to us, not to mention an assortment of iPhones and iPads. 

Technology ‘rocks’ in this family! 

The chap from TalkTalk just happened to phone when I was in the mood for change. He persuaded me that his was a much better deal. He spoke about faster and better things. He said,

“No obligation, 30 days to change your mind.” 

So, I decided to give it a whirl. Yes, we would swap to TalkTalk.

It would take three weeks and I need do nothing else. 

BT sent me a goodbye letter tinged with reproach. 

Sorry BT. 

True to their word, TalkTalk sent me a new router (looking very small and ineffectual I must say beside BT’s sleek black box) and swapped me over to their Broadband service three weeks later. I set the router up and sat back to enjoy a faster, superior service. 

Of course, it isn’t faster. The service can really only be as fast as the local exchange will allow and ours is a poor performer so there are no high speeds to be found round here. I knew that of course so I am not disappointed. 

I am disappointed because the wireless signal that used to penetrate the far reaches of this house, now stops short of the next room and sometimes wont work at all. 

I tried all the usual fixes with micro-filters and re-setting router and laptops.  All to no avail. After a week with little or no signal I decided a phone call was in order. 

This morning, I called TalkTalk to ask them why I cannot get a wireless signal upstairs. 

The conversation went like this …oh but no, hang on, it didn’t. 

I dialled the support number that I had been given. 

I followed the, “press 1 for this and 3 for that” instructions.

I listened as the automated voice told me that they are experiencing an unusually large amount of calls today.

I listened as the automated voice ranted on about how I would be asked to answer a short questionnaire on customer service after the call.

I waited…and waited

I hung up because the dogs barked or my mobile rang or I had something better to do. 

I took a deep breath and rang again.

I followed the, “press 1 for this and 3 for that” instructions.

I listened as the automated voice told me that they are experiencing an unusually large amount of calls today.

I listened as the automated voice ranted on about how I would be asked to answer a short questionnaire on customer service after the call.

I waited…and waited.

I was told that I would now be asked to answer a short questionnaire.

But I haven’t spoken to anyone yet?????

The automated voice asked me to think about the last representative I had spoken to.

Oh, they must mean the man who phoned me in the first place. I thought about him, the disembodied voice of him at any rate. 

Q. Was he clear and easy to understand?

A. Yes

Q. Was he positive in his attitude?

A. Er, yes.

Q. Was he helpful?

A. Yes. 

The automated voice thanked me and the line went dead. 

Hey, but I haven’t spoken to anyone today yet!!! 

I dialled the number – oh no, but I didn’t did I? No, I couldn’t be bothered to go through the entire procedure again so I looked for an online solution. 

I changed the channel over which the wireless router broadcasts from 1 to 11.

So far, so good.

The ipad was online upstairs.

I changed it back to 1 (I like to conduct control experiments)

The ipad was still online upstairs…coincidence?

I have changed it to 11 again just in case doing so really has improved the signal. 

So, I will wait and see if it still works later and then I will contact TalkTalk AKA ‘TalkLess’ and give them a piece of my mind… 

I wonder what number I should press for that?

I am an Author, wife to one, mother to five and grandmother to six. I live in the English countryside in Hampshire, UK, with my husband and two dogs and am a non exec Director for Glow


  • Patricia

    Oh wow can I identify with this…I do not need the phone with my service but they will charge me $800 US to disconnect and they I can not have the # , which is my husband’s birthday and we have had for 34 years, because they have to give it to a business customer – it is a business phone # now….oh give me a break on this one…

    another company cut our wires into the house and that is why we had to switch companies in the first place…and they would not come in an fix it because I was using a local not a national carrier…

    Our house is truly wired too…aargh~! What is one supposed to do?

  • Andrea Carlisle

    I hate those calls so much. When I do finally get someone, it’s all I can do to be civil. Of course, the long wait was not his/her fault but it’s hard not to scold somebody, anybody. You sound like you have a good grasp of things–routers, channels, etc. I hope it works now and behaves itself.

  • Katie Gates

    Oh my God, tales of technological challenges bring to mind every moment of frustration I’ve experienced. I appreciate what we are able to do with technology, but it remains grossly imperfect!

  • Amy

    OMG this is so frustrating/funny. I loe the way you relate an experience, Deborah – you’re a born storyteller….and who hasn’t been through something similar?!

    Best of luck giving them a piece of your mind!

  • LanaD

    I like to think that I am pretty techno savvy but have you ever noticed that the tech support people seem to have an amazing ability to make one feel incredibly inadequate? Thanks for sharing. It is somewhat comforting to know that my ISP is not the only imperfect one!

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